A Miracle for Two Sisters

Let's get these kids home, and then all kids unjustly taken! ALL children belong under the protective umbrella of loving parents. PLEASE remember to like and follow us on Facebook — A MIRACLE FOR TWO SISTERS

Make Way for McKay! Thank you GOVERNOR!

(To our supporters)  The Miracle Team cannot do it with out YOU, and YOU are part of the Miracle Team!  So take a bow – – – we’re making headway! And please stay with us to continue this very, very important fight.

portrait of Charles FlanaganThe letters, phone calls and more must have had something to do with Flanagan’s demise.  We feel so bad – NOT!   From the article, Flanagan fired amid question: Is DCS the new CPS?,  Flanagan said he was given no reason for his dismissal.  Can we give him a hint?  Probably not since we have been trying to reach out to him for months to FREE THE SISTERS, provide guidance on the how and why to do it, and how it would help ALL CHILDREN UNJUSTLY TAKEN.  Only 6 days ago we posted Flanagan’s 12-step Program to Fix DCS. it said, in part, what we have said for so long, so many times, and so many ways:

Charles Flanagan, the Director of the Department of Child Safety DCS/CPS in Arizona, is in charge of the agency that medically kidnapped Kayla and Hannah Diegel, (see A Miracle For Two Sisters), as well as thousands more children in the state of Arizona.  His state ranks top in the country for removing children from their homes, so many in fact, there are children-sleeping-overnight-in-arizona-dcs-offices because they can’t keep up with their rate of taking 35 children a day, everyday, into state custody . . .  Seeing for himself what went on in the Diegel case would result in his freeing them, and allow for Flanagan to ensure such a kidnapping could never happen again.  Much in this blog was designed to educate him in particular, and was even dedicated to him.
Yet, despite Flanagan’s promises to “… prevent abuse and neglect of children where possible and intervene to protect children when necessary, as well as to hold those who harm children accountable.”  we have seen no indication of any effort to do so.  Instead, he turns to the same old, same old excuses and remedies that have lead to the massive failure and dysfunction of the original agency he is charged with fixing and changing.  he even has gone so far as to make public pleas to HIRE, (not fire), more social workers, and throw more money at an agency that is destroying children and families hand over fist with no end in sight.
It is universally accepted that Flanagan inherited a mess not of his own making, but that’s exactly why he got the job in the first place.  Many people offered assistance and solutions, this blog stands as just one testament to that.  While a year may have seemed like a short time for Mr. Flanagan, it is a lifetime for the newborns that are taken from their homes, and it is a death sentence for some children, medically fragile children like the Diegel sisters, whose time is running out.

The Miracle Team WELCOMES Greg McKay, and the rest of his team.

mcKayMcKay is a former Phoenix police detective who has been head of the Department of Child Safety, running the state’s child welfare investigations office since 2012.  It was McKay that discovered the more than 6,000 child abuse reports phoned into the Child Protective Services hotline had been illegally closed without investigation.  In the past he has promulgated ideas such as equipping CPS case workers with recording devices and cameras, claiming, “Cameras and recording devices that will document child abuse and interviews would help in charging and prosecuting more abusers.”  Coincidentally, Melissa Diegel, mother of the two sisters, has a petition to do just that:  Mandatory Video Taping of All CPS Workers  Hopefully these cameras can do double duty, and protect the innocent just as much as the guilty.
The newly named deputy director of the department is Vicki Mayo, a former information company executive, said to be a longtime child advocate.  The former head of the Arizona National Guard, retired Major General David Rataczak, will be McKay’s management consultant.

ducey childrenThe Miracle Team wants to THANK GOVERNOR Ducey . . .

and let everyone know, we are not here to be adversaries.  WE WANT TO HELP.  We know we can help, and we hope you will hear us.  We want only what is right.  No favors.  No special treatment.  We want full, honest, transparent investigations, and prosecutions of all those who have lied or broken the law in any way that has contributed to the UNJUST taking of children from loving parents, and the unconscionable termination of parental rights from those whose rights should never have been terminated.
az census cps mapPlease consider reviewing the information we provided to Mr. Flanagan, which includes all of the below, and very much that has been sent in the way of letters, posts to the Miracle page, and angels in the wings that have tried to reach out and save the children that are so suffering under the old DCS regime.  We deem the following articles critically important to make note of, and they came out subsequent to Flanagan’s 12-step Program to Fix DCS which we believe contains 12-steps worthy of your review.  This, while relating to Massachusetts is relative to findings by the FEDS wherein they CONFIRMED! “very common” – States needlessly take custody of OUR children!
umb rally sqA National UMBRELLA Rally – Across America! is underway, and we would be honored if you would like to participate!  The Abducted Rengo Mother: Send a message to America for me… provides the very important message that “Children don’t belong to the government.  The government belongs to the people.” and our Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 5 contains a plethora of information that should be known to all to fix a very broken system.  This reflects the  Disturbing Trends in Latest CPS/DCS Report, and we will be releasing more such disturbing numbers in the very near term.  Again, we reiterate, we want to work with you, not against you, to FREE the Sisters and all children UNJUSTLY taken.
CONGRATULATIONS on everyone’s new rolls in saving children.  Let’s bring them home and focus on only the ones that are at risk.
God Bless the Children, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

One comment on “Make Way for McKay! Thank you GOVERNOR!

  1. PJ
    February 12, 2015

    Praying that children reunite with families… Cps was suppose to help the families to stay altogether not rip families out without ingvestior first… Unless there is serious abusive by proof first not false accusation. There is really no need to be medically kidnapped too… Cps and doctor and families should have sit down and dicuss first than medically kidnapped the kids… A lot of parents have right to protecting their own children and they knew their own children’s needs better and have them family counselors to keep this families altogether than rip the families out for no reasons… A lot things can keep families altogether alike families counselors and alots of avocations help eachother if they really needs than rip them out instantly for no reason and make families emotional there are no needs for cause families emotional by ripped out…

    If there abuseive family then there should have special family counselors and rehabs and parenting classes and alots of those can help out first and following order before ripped out or if they don’t following at all (failure) then kids go to kin family first if kin families don’t want then go to foster family…


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This entry was posted on February 11, 2015 by in Arizona, cps, dcs and tagged , , .