A Miracle for Two Sisters

Let's get these kids home, and then all kids unjustly taken! ALL children belong under the protective umbrella of loving parents. PLEASE remember to like and follow us on Facebook — A MIRACLE FOR TWO SISTERS

Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 6 ~ LLS6

ltr 6Five Minutes, 3 EASY Steps, HUGE IMPACT!

Welcome to our SIXTH Legislator Letter Series! EVERY letter received, counts, and every letter details a different aspect of a very broken system that has a dramatic, and devastating impact on children and parents for generations to come.  Let us join together to tell the Legislators what is happening and what we expect them to do to stop this “Reign of Terror”.

The reign of terror by CPS, DCS, DCF or whatever they want to call it – MUST STOP!

PLEASE help us contact the people who can make this change happen to release all children unjustly taken and prevent these tragedies from reoccurring. As always, please be kind and respectful. We want to make friends with the legislators and work together to … Restore Families and Rescue Children across the country!  We are focused on Arizona because they have the distinction of taking the most children into state custody – – – 35 children a day – – – EVERYDAY!  Help us stop it here, and we can stop it everywhere, one state at a time – ALL STATES in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

We’ve made it SUPER SIMPLE, and you can do it in under 5 minutes for each series!


3 EASY STEPS – – – 1, 2, 3, and Hit SEND

123HIT SEND!  YOU’RE DONE — BUT, not before you sign your name, or use ‘A concerned citizen‘ or ‘A concerned parent‘ or ‘A concerned constituent‘ or whatever you like.

SUGGESTION: We recommend emailing in batches.  Email addresses are grouped for you below.


Please leave a comment stating that you sent emails, and definitely let us know if you get any response! It would be great if a few days later you moved on to the Letter Series 2, and then a few days after that, Series 3. Imagine the impact this will make if LOTS of people do it!!!

If you live in Arizona and are concerned about retaliation, please consider signing up for an email account on google for political purposes.



Representative Emails:

jackerley@azleg.gov,lalston@azleg.gov,randrade@azleg.gov,bbarton@azleg.gov, jbenally@azleg.gov,rbolding@azleg.gov,sborrelli@azleg.gov,rbowers@azleg.gov, pboyer@azleg.gov,kbrophymcgee@azleg.gov,ncampbell@azleg.gov, mcardenas@azleg.gov,hcarter@azleg.gov,kenclark@azleg.gov,rcobb@azleg.gov, dcoleman@azleg.gov,despinoza@azleg.gov,kfann@azleg.gov, efarnsworth@azleg.gov,cfernandez@azleg.gov,mfinchem@azleg.gov, rfriese@azleg.gov,rgabaldon@azleg.gov,sgonzales@azleg.gov, dgowan@azleg.gov,rgray@azleg.gov,ahale@azleg.gov, akern@azleg.gov, jlarkin@azleg.gov,jlawrence@azleg.gov,vleach@azleg.gov, dlivingston@azleg.gov,plovas@azleg.gov,smach@azleg.gov,ddavis@azleg.gov, jmendez@azleg.gov,jmesnard@azleg.gov,emeyer@azleg.gov, dmitchell@azleg.gov,smontenegro@azleg.gov,jnorgaard@azleg.gov, jolson@azleg.gov,lotondo@azleg.gov,wpetersen@azleg.gov,fpratt@azleg.gov, rrios@azleg.gov,trivero@azleg.gov,brobson@azleg.gov,msaldate@azleg.gov, asherwood@azleg.gov,tshope@azleg.gov,vsteele@azleg.gov, dstevens@azleg.gov,bthorpe@azleg.gov,ktownsend@azleg.gov, mugenti@azleg.gov,cvelasquez@azleg.gov, jweninger@azleg.gov, bwheeler@azleg.gov

Senators Emails: 

eableser@azleg.gov,sallen@azleg.gov,nbarto@azleg.gov,cbegay@azleg.gov, abiggs@azleg.gov,dbradley@azleg.gov,jburges@azleg.gov, ocajerobedford@azleg.gov,lcontreras@azleg.gov,adalessandro@azleg.gov, jdial@azleg.gov,adriggs@azleg.gov,sfarley@azleg.gov,dfarnsworth@azleg.gov, ggriffin@azleg.gov,khobbs@azleg.gov,jkavanagh@azleg.gov,dlesko@azleg.gov, bmcguire@azleg.gov,rmeza@azleg.gov,cmiranda@azleg.gov, lpancrazi@azleg.gov,spierce@azleg.gov,mquezada@azleg.gov, dshooter@azleg.gov,stsmith@azleg.gov,kward@azleg.gov, bworsley@azleg.gov,syarbrough@azleg.gov, kyee@azleg.gov

The Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 6 ~LLS6 

Sample Text A – (INCREASE in “neglect” cases)

Dear Legislators,

The Department of Child Safety (DCS) receives thousands of calls each year. How do they decide which calls are worth investigating and how do they prioritize those reports?  The statewide Child Abuse Hotline received 25,076 calls that met the statutory criteria for a report during the six months ending September 30, 2014. Are that many children truly abused? How many of those children are in real danger and how many are being removed for the subjectiveness of “potential” danger? Who decides when children will be removed from their homes, and on what basis? Is there any science to the decision, or is it based on the whim of the next DCS worker who happens to show up at your door?

One serious concern is DCS’s disproportionate categorization of child welfare cases under the subjective “impending danger” category.  DCS categorizes reports by four different priorities. Priority 1 indicates “present danger”, and Priority 2 means “impending danger”.  Neither Priority 3 nor priority 4 reports rise to the level of present or impending danger, but indicate past abuse or neglect. (Priority 3 indicates abuse or neglect in the past 30 days, and priority 4 indicates abuse or neglect more than 30 days ago.)

According to DCS’s most recent semi-annual report, there is a definite disproportionate increase in Priority 2 cases– the most subjective of all the reports.  This is a huge concern because “impending danger” cannot be proven! No immediate danger is occurring, and no past abuse or neglect has occurred, but abuse or neglect “might” occur in the near future.  This requires no obvious danger and no evidence or proof that abuse or neglect has already occurred.

The facts are clear: Priority 2 reports increased by 23% over the previous six-month period, from 4,171 to 5,163!  That equates to almost 1,000 more reports than the previous reporting period. Over 20% of all reports are cases where abuse or neglect ‘might’ occur in the future.  For comparison, the reports categorized as priority 1, 3, and 4 reports rose only 10%, 2%, and 10%, respectively.

These statistics beg the question: how many children were taken into custody based on the priorities of each report? Were the children simply taken, or were in-home services provided?

As DCS takes an increasingly larger number of children from parents, one must ask if DCS is taking more children based on Priority 2 reports, where danger is considered possible, but where children are not in present danger? It is well-known and accepted — as reported by DCS’s own officials — that many DCS workers are new and not fully trained.  Upon what standards are they making decisions for “potential” or “impending” danger, and how is this weighed against the trauma/devastation of taking these children from everything they know and love, to be put with strangers, and the potential or impending danger that might occur there?

Arizona Rev. Stat. § 1-601 protects a parent’s rights to raise their children and prohibits the government from infringing on those rights except under a narrowly tailored interest that is “not otherwise served by a less restrictive means.”

DCS is directly violating Arizona’s statute by removing children who are neither in immediate danger nor have been abused. According to national DCS policies and best practices, if there were any appropriate intercession at all, it would simply be providing services and resources for those parents who desire them.

Instead, DCS in Arizona removes children from their homes, causing great trauma to them and exposing them to an environment rife with physical, emotional, and sexual abuse that is far more rampant than in their own homes.

Please help stop this reign of terror by DCS against Arizona parents and children.

A concerned citizen

Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 1-601
A. The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of their children is a fundamental right.
B. This state, any political subdivision of this state or any other governmental entity shall not infringe on these rights without demonstrating that the compelling governmental interest as applied to the child involved is of the highest order, is narrowly tailored and is not otherwise served by a less restrictive means.

PS, Please see this:  https://amiracle42sisters.wordpress.com/2015/02/10/confirmed-very-common-states-needlessly-take-custody-of-our-children/

Sample Text B: (medical malpractice)

Dear Legislators,

Medical malpractice suits can mean the end of a career in healthcare that required many costly years of education and training to build. One invests so much, and yet one small mistake can end it all. However, what if one small call from a physician could cover that mistake and prevent any chance of a malpractice suit? One phone call to save thousands of dollars, years of work, a career, prestige, family, friends, associates and maybe even a business. That would be quite a tempting phone call to make.

It only takes one phone call for a physician to claim “medical neglect” or “medical abuse” when a parent does not submit to a specific treatment plan, when a parent files a complaint against a physician, when a parent seeks a second opinion, or when that same physician has possibly made an error and sees the potential for a malpractice lawsuit. By reporting children to DCS, physicians can prevent medical malpractice suits because parents are not allowed to pursue such cases once their children are taken into state custody.

The Department of Child Safety (DCS) received 25,076 calls in the last reporting period, which are categorized by four different priorities. Priorities 1 and 2 indicate present and impending danger, respectively. Neither Priority 3 nor Priority 4 reports rise to the level of danger, but indicate past abuse or neglect. (Priority 3 indicates abuse or neglect in the past 30 days, and Priority 4 indicates abuse or neglect more than 30 days ago.)

According to the most recent semi-annual report by DCS, there is a definite disproportionate increase in Priority 2 cases. Yet out of these four categories, Priority 2 reports are the most subjective. Increases in this category are a huge concern because no immediate danger is occurring, and no past abuse or neglect has occurred. It is simply a category for reports that abuse or neglect “might” occur in the near future. This requires no obvious or immediate danger and no evidence or proof that abuse or neglect has already occurred.

The facts are clear: Priority 2 reports increased by 23% over the previous six-month period, from 4,171 to 5,163. That equates to almost 1,000 more reports than the previous reporting period. Over 20% of all reports are cases where abuse or neglect ‘might’ occur in the future. For comparison, the reports categorized as priority 1, 3, and 4 reports rose only 10%, 2%, and 10%, respectively.

These statistics beg the question: how many children were taken into custody based on the priorities of each report? Were the children simply taken or were in-home services provided? As DCS takes an increasingly larger number of children from parents, one must ask if DCS is taking more children based on Priority 2 reports, where danger is considered possible, but where children are not in present danger?

It is well-known and accepted–even admitted by DCS leaders–that many DCS workers are new and not fully trained. Upon what standards are they making decisions for “potential” or “impending” danger? Is it possible that many of these Priority 2 reports being made by healthcare providers in situations where they are questioned, rebuffed, or have made a mistake?

Arizona Rev. Stat. § 1-601 protects the “liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, healthcare and mental health of their children” as a fundamental right. DCS is overriding those rights by removing children from parents due to disagreements in medical decisions and parenting styles based on opinions and perceptions of future danger, but where no abuse or neglect or crime has occurred.

Many parents are now afraid to take their children to doctors and hospitals. Please help stop this reign of terror by DCS against Arizona parents and children.

A concerned citizen

Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 1-601
A. The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of their children is a fundamental right.
B. This state, any political subdivision of this state or any other governmental entity shall not infringe on these rights without demonstrating that the compelling governmental interest as applied to the child involved is of the highest order, is narrowly tailored and is not otherwise served by a less restrictive means.

PS, Please see this:  https://amiracle42sisters.wordpress.com/2015/02/10/confirmed-very-common-states-needlessly-take-custody-of-our-children/


For those of you who made it here, PLEASE come back in a few days and do the next Letter — THANK YOU! AND, stay tuned …. after we get letters sent, to comment on their facebook pages, tweet them, and call them. Try just ONE facebook party, and we assure you it will be fun and satisfying. Please invite everyone you know who might be interested in this cause to join us. Let us effect some change and stand up for the children!!!

* Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 1 *

Focusing on the closed courts and gag orders. We want open courts and jury trials. We want gag orders eliminated! Optional subject: Closed courts and gag orders assist fraud and corruption in DCS!

If you didn’t send it yet, you will find it here.

**Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 2**

********************* Letter Series – Bill Support **********************

Information on the bills: HB 2047 – requires supervisor approval before a DCS agent can remove children

HB 2049 – prohibits experimentation on state wards,
HB 2283 – requires a warrant for a DCS agent to enter a home without consent, eliminates prayer or leaving for 2nd opinions on medical treatments as grounds for abuse, neglect, or dependency; requires the corroboration of three licensed physicians before DCS can remove a child for medical neglect.

If you didn’t send it yet, you will find it here

***Sample Letter Regarding Untrained, Overzealous DCS Agents, and Supervisor Approval***

*** Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 3 ***

Stop Medical Kidnapping

If you didn’t send it yet, you will find it here.

*** Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 4 ***

If you didn’t send it yet, you will find it here.

*** Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 5 ***

If you didn’t send it yet, you will find it here.

4 comments on “Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 6 ~ LLS6

  1. Tammy
    February 14, 2015

    Just sent the lastest letter. I will report if I get a response from any of our represenitives.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cathryn Lam Quintero
    February 24, 2015

    Done! Things better change, because an uprising is bound to happen against such life threatening corruption. Even many in the military are fed-up! It is foolish for the government & corrupt politicians to believe you can override the God-given conscience of people and children.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ms Lomas
    March 14, 2015

    I’m getting ready to send the latest emails out. As of todays date I have got NO responses from any of the legislators. I did get 1 automative reply stating they did receive my email.


    • Thank you so much for your efforts! It’s pathetic that lawmakers can let their constituent families suffer so much, but it is volume that might just someday make it impossible to ignore. Thank you again!


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This entry was posted on February 14, 2015 by in Arizona, cps, dcs, Diegel Sisters, Medical Kidnap, Melissa Diegel and tagged , , .