A Miracle for Two Sisters

Let's get these kids home, and then all kids unjustly taken! ALL children belong under the protective umbrella of loving parents. PLEASE remember to like and follow us on Facebook — A MIRACLE FOR TWO SISTERS

Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 5

ltr 5Five Minutes, 3 EASY Steps, HUGE IMPACT!

Welcome to our FIFTH Legislator Letter Series! Arizona Children are being kidnapped by the state at an alarming rate, 35 children per day, EVERYDAY! Let us join together to tell the Legislators what is happening and what we expect them to do to stop this “Reign of Terror”. That is our theme!

“The reign of terror by DCS against Arizona parents must stop.”

Let’s contact the people who can make this change happen to release all children unjustly taken and prevent these tragedies from reoccurring. As always, please be kind and respectful. We want to make friends with the legislators and work together to … Restore Arizona Families and Rescue Arizona Children!

We’ve made it SUPER SIMPLE, and you can do it in under 5 minutes for each series!


3 EASY STEPS – – – 1, 2, 3, and Hit SEND

123HIT SEND!  YOU’RE DONE — BUT, not before you sign your name, or use ‘A concerned citizen‘ or ‘A concerned parent‘ or ‘A concerned constituent‘ or whatever you like.

SUGGESTION: We recommend emailing in batches.  Email addresses are grouped for you below.


Please leave a comment stating that you sent emails, and definitely let us know if you get any response! It would be great if a few days later you moved on to the Letter Series 2, and then a few days after that, Series 3. Imagine the impact this will make if LOTS of people do it!!!

If you live in Arizona and are concerned about retaliation, please consider signing up for an email account on google for political purposes.



Representative Emails:

jackerley@azleg.gov,lalston@azleg.gov,randrade@azleg.gov,bbarton@azleg.gov, jbenally@azleg.gov,rbolding@azleg.gov,sborrelli@azleg.gov,rbowers@azleg.gov, pboyer@azleg.gov,kbrophymcgee@azleg.gov,ncampbell@azleg.gov, mcardenas@azleg.gov,hcarter@azleg.gov,kenclark@azleg.gov,rcobb@azleg.gov, dcoleman@azleg.gov,despinoza@azleg.gov,kfann@azleg.gov, efarnsworth@azleg.gov,cfernandez@azleg.gov,mfinchem@azleg.gov, rfriese@azleg.gov,rgabaldon@azleg.gov,sgonzales@azleg.gov, dgowan@azleg.gov,rgray@azleg.gov,ahale@azleg.gov, akern@azleg.gov, jlarkin@azleg.gov,jlawrence@azleg.gov,vleach@azleg.gov, dlivingston@azleg.gov,plovas@azleg.gov,smach@azleg.gov,ddavis@azleg.gov, jmendez@azleg.gov,jmesnard@azleg.gov,emeyer@azleg.gov, dmitchell@azleg.gov,smontenegro@azleg.gov,jnorgaard@azleg.gov, jolson@azleg.gov,lotondo@azleg.gov,wpetersen@azleg.gov,fpratt@azleg.gov, rrios@azleg.gov,trivero@azleg.gov,brobson@azleg.gov,msaldate@azleg.gov, asherwood@azleg.gov,tshope@azleg.gov,vsteele@azleg.gov, dstevens@azleg.gov,bthorpe@azleg.gov,ktownsend@azleg.gov, mugenti@azleg.gov,cvelasquez@azleg.gov, jweninger@azleg.gov, bwheeler@azleg.gov

Senators Emails: 

eableser@azleg.gov,sallen@azleg.gov,nbarto@azleg.gov,cbegay@azleg.gov, abiggs@azleg.gov,dbradley@azleg.gov,jburges@azleg.gov, ocajerobedford@azleg.gov,lcontreras@azleg.gov,adalessandro@azleg.gov, jdial@azleg.gov,adriggs@azleg.gov,sfarley@azleg.gov,dfarnsworth@azleg.gov, ggriffin@azleg.gov,khobbs@azleg.gov,jkavanagh@azleg.gov,dlesko@azleg.gov, bmcguire@azleg.gov,rmeza@azleg.gov,cmiranda@azleg.gov, lpancrazi@azleg.gov,spierce@azleg.gov,mquezada@azleg.gov, dshooter@azleg.gov,stsmith@azleg.gov,kward@azleg.gov, bworsley@azleg.gov,syarbrough@azleg.gov, kyee@azleg.gov

The Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 5 ~LLS5 

Sample Text A – (INCREASE in children taken)

Dear Legislators,

There are some very alarming statistics in the most recent semi-annual report by Charles Flanagan, Director of the Department of Child Safety (DCS). The increase with which children are being taken from their homes and families is disturbing.

The number of children in out-of-home care was 16,990 children for the six-month period ending in September 2014, an increase of 7.86% over the previous six-month time period. That number has increased 58.7% in the last 3 1/2 years when the number of children in out-of-home care was 10,707. That is astonishing. 16,990 children separated from their parents and families … for birthday, holidays, milestones. 16,990 children.

DCS removed 6,461 children from their homes in the six-month period ending in September 2014. That is a 13.3% increase from the previous six months. That number is a 62% increase from 3 1/2 years ago when the number of children removed was 3,978. That is another incredible increase. DCS takes over 35 children a day from their parents and their homes. Over 35 children a day.

DCS is removing far more children than necessary in an ever-increasing pattern that is traumatizing children, bankrupting parents both emotionally and financially, and destroying families, the very foundation of society. Arizona does have a parental rights statute, Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 1-601, which protects the fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing of their children, and prohibits government departments from infringing on those rights. DCS is not abiding by the laws of Arizona. Please help put a stop to the reign of terror by DCS against Arizona parents and children, and PLEASE read https://amiracle42sisters.wordpress.com/2015/02/06/disturbing-trends-in-latest-cps-report/ .


A concerned citizen

Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 1-601

A. The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of their children is a fundamental right.

B. This state, any political subdivision of this state or any other governmental entity shall not infringe on these rights without demonstrating that the compelling governmental interest as applied to the child involved is of the highest order, is narrowly tailored and is not otherwise served by a less restrictive means.

Sample Text B: (neglect cases)

Dear Legislators,

There are some very suspicious statistics in the most recent semi-annual report by Charles Flanagan, Director of the Department of Child Safety (DCS). The increase with which children are being taken from their homes and families, especially for such a subjective reporting category as “neglect”, is disturbing.

Quite suspicious is the increase in the proportion of reports that meet the vague criteria of neglect. This type of increase is likely to be indicative of fraud and corruption since neglect is so subjective and ill-defined. While reports of emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and physical abuse have all stayed relatively flat over the past 3 1/2 years, reports of neglect have risen sharply from 10,960 to 18,022, eclipsing all other types of reports. That is a 64.4% increase in neglect reports. For reference, the number of physical abuse reports increased only 5.5%, sexual abuse reports increased 19%, and emotional abuse reports actually decreased 16%.

The number of reports received for ‘neglect’ accounted for 72% of reports. That means that emotional abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse reports combined account for only 28% of reports. While emotional, physical and sexual abuse reports accounted for smaller or the same percentages of total reports received when compared to the prior six-month period, neglect reports increased by 2256 reports, or 14.3%, and increased from 68% of total reports to 72% of total reports. In comparison, emotional abuse reports decreased by 37 reports or 21.76%, physical abuse reports decreased by 174 reports or 2.78%, and sexual abuse, while increasing by 75 reports or 9.7%, still accounted for only 3.4% of all reports.

This large percentage of reports (72%) being categorized as ‘neglect’ is quite disconcerting as other reports of abuse (which are much more verifiable) are decreasing or accounting for such a small percentage of the reports. Yet, more and more children are taken from families and more and more cases are resulting in the termination of parental rights. DCS must be taking these children from families for a perceived potential of danger. However, these parents are not afforded the rights of a common criminal. They are not allowed an open trial or a jury trial. They are denied an opportunity to testify or present evidence on their own behalf. Their constitutional rights are not protected or respected as evidenced by gag orders and termination of parental rights without any crime and without an impartial trial of available evidence.

DCS and the Arizona judicial system are completely ignoring Arizona’s parental rights statute, Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 1-601, which protects the fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing of their children, and prohibits government departments from infringing on those rights. Please take a close look at these numbers, the actual procedures of DCS (not what is proclaimed in any manual), and the Arizona Statute 1-601. AND, PLEASE read https://amiracle42sisters.wordpress.com/2015/02/06/disturbing-trends-in-latest-cps-report/

The children of Arizona need advocates. They need them now.


A concerned citizen

Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 1-601

A. The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of their children is a fundamental right.

B. This state, any political subdivision of this state or any other governmental entity shall not infringe on these rights without demonstrating that the compelling governmental interest as applied to the child involved is of the highest order, is narrowly tailored and is not otherwise served by a less restrictive means.


For those of you who made it here, PLEASE come back in a few days and do the next Letter — THANK YOU! AND, stay tuned …. after we get letters sent, to comment on their facebook pages, tweet them, and call them. Try just ONE facebook party, and we assure you it will be fun and satisfying. Please invite everyone you know who might be interested in this cause to join us. Let us effect some change and stand up for the children!!!

* Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 1 *

Focusing on the closed courts and gag orders. We want open courts and jury trials. We want gag orders eliminated! Optional subject: Closed courts and gag orders assist fraud and corruption in DCS!

If you didn’t send it yet, you will find it here.

**Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 2**

********************* Letter Series – Bill Support **********************

Information on the bills: HB 2047 – requires supervisor approval before a DCS agent can remove children

HB 2049 – prohibits experimentation on state wards,
HB 2283 – requires a warrant for a DCS agent to enter a home without consent, eliminates prayer or leaving for 2nd opinions on medical treatments as grounds for abuse, neglect, or dependency; requires the corroboration of three licensed physicians before DCS can remove a child for medical neglect.

If you didn’t send it yet, you will find it here

***Sample Letter Regarding Untrained, Overzealous DCS Agents, and Supervisor Approval***

*** Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 3 ***

Stop Medical Kidnapping

If you didn’t send it yet, you will find it here.

*** Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 4 ***

If you didn’t send it yet, you will find it here.

One comment on “Legislator Letter Series ~ Letter 5

  1. Dorothy Knightly
    February 11, 2015

    Taking children from disabled parents is happening Nationwide, not just in Arizona. No-one is doing anything to put an end to it. Not even the Disability Rights Center!


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