A Miracle for Two Sisters

Let's get these kids home, and then all kids unjustly taken! ALL children belong under the protective umbrella of loving parents. PLEASE remember to like and follow us on Facebook — A MIRACLE FOR TWO SISTERS

And then they came for YOU!

How many children will be too many before there are either none left, or they come for yours?


Jayden was 6 months old when he was taken by DCS in February 2014, and has been in his “Forever Home” ever since, if DCS gets its way.  How nice for the Foster Family who wants to adopt him.  He is now 1 and 1/2 years old, but they have had him for almost a year.  What a “find” for them, and a $6,000. – $8,000. bonus for DCS in the kids for cash program that inspires DCS to take an average of 32 Arizona children a day, EVERY DAY, out of their homes, and into state custody.  The nagging questions are:  1- how much is each kid worth in Federal Funds to Arizona, 2- how much have taxpayers paid to the adopting parents since this baby was kidnapped from his mother, and 3- how much will taxpayers pay to the adoptive parents for the next 18-21 years?  First, however, should be answered is what taxpayers spent over the last 5 years of severing Sarah Johnson’s parental rights while she and her mother, the children’s grandmother, fought tooth and nail to stop this atrocity?  Moreover, how can this happen when Arizona law explicitly protects parental rights.
Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 1-601
A. The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of their children is a fundamental right.
B. This state, any political subdivision of this state or any other governmental entity shall not infringe on these rights without demonstrating that the compelling governmental interest as applied to the child involved is of the highest order, is narrowly tailored and is not otherwise served by a less restrictive means.

There appears to be an entire media blackout of the kidnappings occurring in Arizona, most especially since the Diegel sisters have been taken. Every reporter and every newspaper that was going to run their story has received a call to shut it down. The Karla Johnson, (Jayden’s Grandmother), Leanna Smith and Melissa Diegel’s stories are similar and there are many more, (such as Lisa Meltzer, Tonya Brown, …), who have had their kids taken, and been fighting the system every waking moment to get their children back.  The facts, and evidence in all these cases are stunning, and the law is on their side, yet in no way being followed on any level by OUR government. The truth is obscured by the very people charged with seeking it, and justice.  There is an open season assault on families in Arizona by CPS/DCF in conjunction BS CPSwith the court system, and the results are nothing short of disgusting and barbaric.  No family can stand alone against this taxpayer funded Goliath, especially for something as important as the right to parent and KEEP our own children!  People must unite, and fight, BEFORE they come for you.

The Miracle Team is about effecting change to strengthen and preserve families.  Change for all, and change that protects and respects children, families, and Parental Rights.  We will continue to pray for all the families of children so UNJUSTLY taken, but SOS!  If we can’t get this train rolling with every hand on deck, there will be much, much more of THIS >

Another infant was permanently kidnapped today.

(Surely there are many more that we don’t know of, but this was one we followed closely, and is tied to the Miracle Team)  The truth of how and what was done by Arizona CPS/DCF and the “legal” system would horrify any human being (with a conscience), and outrage the world, if they only knew on what premise babies are given out for adoption, and children forever separated from their families.  It is barbaric, and beyond belief that this goes on, all day, every day, across America, with so few knowing!  The Miracle Team may appear to be focusing on the two sisters, but the advocates are working tirelessly to free them, and ALL CHILDREN UNJUSTLY TAKEN.  We need a break through, and we need YOU!!!Gagged mother breaks gag to save children kidnapped from Phoenix Hospital.

You can be assured, that if any of the various scenarios of these kidnappings, i.e., false allegations, medical dispute, emergency room visit due to accident, were to happen to you, and you are not in the public awareness, where public pressure is brought to bear on every facet of this corrupt, multi-billion dollar child kidnapping ring, the best attorney in the world can’t help you against the powerful government/hospitals/big pharmaceuticals.  And it all happens behind closed doors, in secrecy, and most often, while gagged.

We have only our advocates, and social media, to raise public awareness and outrage TO STOP THESE KIDNAPPINGS!!!  Please help us spread the word!!!  Please join the Miracle Team and make these kidnappings KITCHEN TABLE CONVERSATION until they are stopped!

Sara’s story – Today’s victim(s)

Today’s victims are the same as yesterday’s, and they will continue to be victimized every day that the state of Arizona takes custody of their children.  Yesterday they, the state, changed the case plan from reunification to severance and adoption stating that “EVIDENCE DOESN’T MATTER”!  Sound like Nazi Germany to you if it can be proved Sara never did anything wrong?  It can be proved, and has been as much as said by the very people who took ALL 4 of her babies.  The state also refused to give custody of her child(ren) to the grandmother Karla Johnson. The reason:

The maternal grandmother, Karla Johnson, is not an appropriate placement for the child as it would not be in the child’s best interest for him to be placed in her care. There is doubt regarding whether the maternal grandmother would be able to protect the child from harm as she has been hostile when speaking with the Department and she has filed paperwork under “color of law” claiming that her 4th Amendment rights have been violated.”

REALLY??? They can now kidnap your kids because of reporting the laws being broken to kidnap them?  A very similar explanation was given by the judge in the Pelletier case, (see more below), the gist of which was they were rude to the people who stole their child from them.  In any of these cases we are yet to be made aware of any PROOF of neglect or abuse!!! 
If you think there is something missing, or another side to this story, the EVIDENCE would prove otherwise.
If you think there is no retaliation from government officials that steal your kids, the EVIDENCE would prove otherwise.  (Even in the more renown case of Justina Pelletier, DCF would cancel the once a week supervised visits, without notice, in retaliation for protesters outside the facility, even with the world watching.  Mother’s day was another blatant example of retaliation the agency took no shame in, denying Justina seeing her mother, while all the other children in captivity were allowed to see theirs.  As a final, and blatant action just prior to Justina’s release, they scheduled her Sweet 16 Birthday Party, that activists so strived to get her home for, at the same time as a well publicized rally to FREE JUSTINA was to occur at the State House with her family’s support and presence!)
ALL these actions are done in retaliation, and to insure all of us of – – – WHO IS IN CHARGE OF OUR KIDS – THE GOVERNMENT!!!  The latest news is that, almost immediately after the hearing of issue herein, the CPS caseworker Annie Williams completely cut off the Grandmother’s visits with Jayden, discontinued in home visits between Sara and Jayden, and have now changed visits to a CPS office clear in Tempe, (over an hour away).  This retaliation and pure abuse of power is a common occurrence to further impose on, and hold parents hostage to even seeing their children, by an agency that kidnaps their children, all under the guise of “best interest of the child”.
Evidence Matters
What would you do if you heard the words, we are going for severance and adoption of your parental rights?
How would you function as a parent if you knew your child was being physically abused while in the CPS system?
How would you feel if you had to say goodbye for the last time, while your child clung to your legs and cried and screamed?
What if today was the day your parental rights were terminated FOREVER?
For too many parents in Arizona, goodbye is a nightmare that becomes a reality! Many supporters showed up today for the Johnson family to help encourage them, as the state continued to willfully tear their family appart.
This hearing was set to maliciously remove the fourth grandson of Karla Johnson. Although police officers and federal marshals were there (for scare tactics) they did allow supporters to enter the courtroom to witness the abolishment of Sara’s (Karla’s daughter) parental rights today.
Melissa Diegel (Mother of the Two Sisters):  “It was absolutely sickening to see injustice happening to not just my family, but to witness it happen first hand to another family. I was able to see first hand that evidence was never able to properly be viewed in Sara’s case, that laws were not properly followed, and that financial gain to the state is surely of higher priority than the true value of family.”
In the state of Arizona the numbers for children that are returned in Maricopa County, if they have a state appointed attorney are nearly 0%. Data has been collected over a period of years, by advocates for the cause, showing the staggering numbers. You either have a system in complete disarray or complete corruption on your hands!
It was recently learned that children are sleeping in shelters. Just children, without their parents. Children that have been taken away from their families only to sleep in shelters, by themselves, at night. Is money of that much value? Are children truly just products only to be moved around from place to place? How sickening that children’s lives don’t have more value.
In today’s tragic hearing Sara makes it clear in her conversation with Judge Sinclair some of her final wishes: “If my rights are going to be terminated. I want my son to be placed with my family. I want my son to be placed with my mom.”
“At this point it’s an administrative decision and so there is a process for that.” -Judge Sinclair
Yet the law mandates children should be placed with family members first. Today judge Sinclair issued that little Jayden be adopted out to the foster family. Sara also asked:
“Where is the competent witnesses? How does the state have enough evidence to switch the case plan from severance to adoption?”
“It’s not a matter of evidence Ma’am.” -Judge Sinclair
(for the back story on this case, see below and related links)

How many children will be too many before there are either none left, or they come for yours?

The Untold Story about the Destruction of Families at the Hands of CPS – Politichicks.com

Family wages 5 yr Battle to get Kids back from AZ CPS / DC

Sara Ybarra-Johnson with son Jayden just prior to his removal from her custody this past February.

Every day, more and more Americans are exposed to the horrifying child removal campaigns being carried out by state and county offices of the Dept of Health and Human Services. Each year, more than 300,000 children are taken away from their parents by the government.  Many for little or no reason, or just by mistake…

Imagine it’s you and your children

Imagine you’re a young 19-year-old new mom. You’re not wealthy, but you have a solid support system and family to help. Yet some behind-the-scenes Child Protective Services employee doesn’t think you’re a good enough parent, regardless of how well you’re caring for your son. So, the agency removes your child from your custody. You fight back, thinking you’ve been vindicated when the agency’s own medical experts refute the allegations of abuse and report that there was no evidence at all. But that only makes the CPS case worker angry.

They refuse to return your son, and instead spend the next five years taking away your next three children just to punish you for tirelessly fighting to get your first child back. That’s the heart-breaking five-year nightmare that one Arizona mom, 24-year-old Sara Ybarra-Johnson, has endured. It’s a young mom, a grandma and four small boys fighting to be reunited as the family they are and should be, against the most powerful government on Earth, determined to demonstrate that the state is in charge of America’s children, not their parents.

Karla Johnson, Sara’s mom and the boys’ grandmother, first reached out to us here at Whiteout Press for help a couple weeks ago. We did as much research as a vigilant one-man operation can and came across a report from a grassroots parents’ rights organization detailing Sara and her sons’ case. Zed McLarnon of Justice for Families looked into the accusations and was horrified by the abuse of power and seemingly endless violations of the law and of the family’s rights.

In a video the organization produced about the ongoing battle, McLarnon explains their findings saying, “We chose Karla and Sara’s case to demonstrate that Child Protective Services use false allegations of abuse. Police departments break into houses to snatch children without a warrant or pick-up order. Attorney Generals prosecute parents they know to be innocent. And judges suppress evidence and manipulate the court records, all to take into custody as many children as possible.”

Sara’s story was written by Whiteout Press.Com and these excerpts were taken from their story off of Arizona Family Rights page that provides hyperlinks that take you to more valuable information on this critical subject of – – – Arizona’s despicable record on protecting its most vulnerable.  Please visit both.

… Sara Ybarra-Johnson has had all four of her children removed from her by CPS.

Zed McLarnon from Justice for Families explains his group’s findings after looking into Sara’s story. “What intrigued me about this case is the fact that the Judges in Superior Court, once they had appointed Sara a Public Defender, claimed that she was no longer a party to the case,” McLarnon reveals, “Imagine, a mother being maliciously prosecuted to terminate her parental custody, not a party to the case. Why did they do this? So they could refuse to give her any court documents, including the allegations against her.”

Even worse, the various Public Defenders assigned to represent Sara in her effort to keep her children have all refused to introduce the evidence that proves her innocence, including the government’s own doctors’ reports of her son showing there was absolutely no evidence of neglect or abuse. According to Justice for Families, that’s no accident and one of the most common tactics the government uses to thwart parents’ attempts to keep their children.

Retribution and revenge – Most Americans know by now that it’s dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.

You will get arrested if you push your case hard enough, regardless of how right you are. That seems to be how this whole horrifying five-year episode began back in 2009. That’s when Child Protective Services was investigating Sara Ybarra-Johnson and her 1-year-old son Isaiah for, according to the CPS report, ‘Medical Neglect – Seizures.’ Examining doctors quickly ruled out any neglect or abuse and Isaiah should have been returned to Sara that instant.

One of the more shocking parts of this ongoing tragedy comes from a police report, where CPS supervisor Rhonda Cash is quoted explaining to Sara why the agency is keeping Isaiah and not giving him back. “I don’t care what documentation you have of doctors care for Isaiah,” Cash reportedly says, “I am taking Isaiah because your mother has pissed me off.” …

Keep in mind, the official reason for removing Isaiah from his mother Sara was the accusation that she wasn’t providing Isaiah with enough medical care to treat what the agency erroneously believed were recurring seizures. In June 2009, just five weeks after CPS seized the child, they took Isaiah to neurologist Dr. Kevin Chapman at the Barrows Neurological Center who examined Isaiah and ruled that the child hadn’t had a seizure in more than a year. His suspicion was that Isaiah may have had a seizure at the time of birth and not since. That should have been all the evidence the family needed to get their child back.

A Maricopa County Detective carried out an impartial investigation. His findings concluded, “Dr. Chapman’s report should have resolved this case in 2009. Isaiah should have been returned and the other boys should have never been removed.”

Taking all of Sara’s children 

Over the course of five years trying to get her son Isaiah back, Sara and her mom Karla have accumulated a mountain of evidence regarding CPS misconduct, abuse and outright lies. One example comes from Sara Ybarra-Johnson’s CPS case file. Karla Johnson explains, “My daughter’s CPS file has an email from Cash to Kara Vanhise – Arizona Ombudsman’s Office – on June 9, 2009. Cash admits CPS did not conduct a removal review and Cash states, ‘It was based upon evidence submitted by DDD.’”

When Karla and Sara reached out to the Department of Developmental Disability (DDD) regarding the alleged evidence they supposedly submitted to Rhonda Cash, the CPS supervisor who removed Isaiah in the first place, the reply was stunning, but not surprising in this case. DDD’s official response reads, “Please be advised that the Department of Developmental Disability has no record indicating that Isaiah E. Johnson is or ever was a client of the Division of Developmental Disabilities.” In other words, the evidence Rhonda Cash fraudulently cites for removing Isaiah from Sara’s custody simply doesn’t exist. But this and all the other evidence from the government’s own agencies have been banned by the Judges in Sara’s case…

Threats, terror and injustice

The campaign to remove Sara’s youngest son Jayden from her custody began at 1am on January 11, 2014. That’s when Phoenix Police and CPS caseworkers showed up at the Johnson’s home demanding to be let in so they could strip and examine the 6-month-old baby. The family refused to let them in without a warrant or court order, which the raiding party apparently did not have. Over the next three weeks, the Johnson family was terrorized by CPS employees, some of whom threatened to arrest the whole family for refusing to cooperate and for secretly tape recording the agency’s threats and intimidation.

On February 5th, Phoenix Police and CPS caseworkers again besieged the Johnson home, demanding they turn over Jayden or they would all be placed under arrest. The family cooperated, but emphatically argued that the agency had absolutely no legitimate reason to remove the child as there was no evidence of neglect or abuse, which the police report confirmed.

The agency also admits in its own documentation that it didn’t conduct any investigation of abuse of Jayden. Its own pick-up order showed the wrong child’s name on it. And it wasn’t even signed by a Judge as required by law. CPS actually filed a police report citing Jayden as a ‘missing child’. The report was later amended to reflect that it was an error and the child was in his mother’s physical custody all along.

The CPS official at the heart of Jayden’s removal, Michael Messinese, has recently testified that he did not write a case report to the court which bears his signature. He also admits in court documents that he never even interviewed Sara or Jayden or conducted an investigation before ordering the confiscation of her child. On August 7th and August 15th of this year, Sara testified in court in her never-ending nightmare to get her children back. According to her mom Karla, “Sara literally kicked CPS’ butt in the court.” So much so, that the CPS official in charge of Jayden’s removal repeatedly responded under questioning, “I don’t recall.”

Sara Ybarra-Johnson’s nightmare is far from over in her effort to regain custody of her children after a five-year legal fight. And while local police officers have been seemingly behind the family, unwilling to document evidence of abuse where there was none, CPS and court officials have doubled-down on their obsession with taking all of Sara’s children away from her for no legitimate reason but simply because they refuse to admit they made a mistake in the first place.

After five years of waging a very public publicity campaign to shed some light on their horrifying ordeal, some of the government officials at the heart of the injustice are feeling the heat, and they don’t like it. Karla, the boys’ grandmother, has been so outspoken that the Arizona courts actually printed up a ‘Be On The Lookout’ poster bearing her picture and personal information in an attempt to bar her from court proceedings. She’s obtained emails from the court and from CPS where employees discuss secret investigations of the grandmother and the data-mining of her Facebook and other social media accounts.

Karla says that never before in the five-year ordeal has she been banned from the courtroom and unable to be there to witness the proceedings and support her daughter, until now. She also reports that the Judge presiding over Sara’s case, Judge Bradley Astrowsky, suddenly and mysteriously recused himself from the hearings. The family reports that Sara, Karla, their supporters and all witnesses were inexplicably ejected from the courtroom by Sheriff’s deputies and court officers, while CPS officials were allowed to stay.

After exhausting all their legal options in Arizona, including the rejection by the Arizona Supreme Court to hear their case, Sara and Karla filed a federal lawsuit alleging the violation of Sara’s civil rights. But rather than even look at the content or merits of the case, the federal court in San Francisco threatened Sara to drop her lawsuit or face “sanctions both punitive and financial.”

The culmination of this ordeal is mind-blowing considering there was never any evidence that showed any neglect or abuse of any of Sara’s boys. By contrast, all of the government’s own experts and evidence unanimously admit there was never any abuse or neglect. But for some bizarre reason, all the doctors’ and caseworkers’ reports stating such have never once been allowed to be introduced as evidence by any of the 23 state and federal Judges that Sara and Karla have appeared before over the past five years in their vain attempt to get the boys back.

Taking children from parents for profit

Zed McLarnon and Justice for Families insist Sara and her sons’ tragedy isn’t unique. He argues that millions of American children are being taken away from their parents by government agencies across the country for absolutely no reason other than for profit. The grassroots parents’ rights organization introduces case after case after case where officials across the country have been caught falsifying documents and perjuring themselves in CPS child removal proceedings.

guiltyThey also point to a recent announcement from Arizona Child Protective Services that offers one possibility of what this widespread epidemic of child removal is all about. Just three months ago, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer announced the creation of a stand-alone Department of Child Safety and a check for $60 million to the very same individuals that have terrorized Sara and her boys for the past five years. Officials actually confirmed that the new mega-agency was in response to a state investigation showing there were an estimated 6,500 more children Arizona CPS could have removed from their parents but didn’t for some reason.

Sara and Karla Johnson have their own problems however. They’ve exhausted all their options on the state level and the federal Judge, Judge Snow, appears to be ignoring the law, case precedents, and ignoring the evidence of the warrantless seizure of these boys and CPS’ omission of evidence from the proceedings in state court.

As grandma Karla explains after this exhausting and heart-breaking ordeal, “My daughter Sara had barely turned 19 years old when our fight began in May 2009. She just turned 24 in December 2013. Five years of her life, our lives, the boys’ lives, have been stolen because of CPS’ criminal activity.” As far as Sara’s concerned, she just wants her children back. That doesn’t seem like too much to ask considering she never did anything wrong in the first place.

Just in the past couple months, the family has opened two ‘Go Fund Me’ accounts, one to help pay the legal costs of trying to get the boys back and the other to help support the family after nearly bankrupting themselves with a five-year legal battle against the unlimited resources of the government. From one victimized parent to another, we at Whiteout Press wish Sara and Karla all the best in their fight. We wish there was more we could do to help.

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3 comments on “And then they came for YOU!

  1. missycaulk
    July 21, 2015

    Reblogged this on Saline, Michigan and commented:
    This must stop, the “gag orders”, the kidnapping of children for money.


  2. Beverly
    July 22, 2015

    The court system and the governmental agencies in this country answer to no one. They have been trampling on the laws and the rights of Americans for a very long time in very horrific ways. The big lie is that our country is based on freedom. It is not. Our own country holds us in shackles in so many ways.


  3. Pingback: And then they came for YOU! | mamadontlikeyou

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This entry was posted on January 8, 2015 by in Arizona, cps, Diegel Sisters, Governor Brewer and tagged , , .