A Miracle for Two Sisters

Let's get these kids home, and then all kids unjustly taken! ALL children belong under the protective umbrella of loving parents. PLEASE remember to like and follow us on Facebook — A MIRACLE FOR TWO SISTERS

THIS is what it’s about!!! Heroes in our midst!

Happy Story! CPS and State Custody THWARTED! Family Stays Together! An excellent example of what public servants SHOULD do, but often fail to do …

A police officer encounters a family in a car. He could have called CPS. He could have had these children taken into custody. He could have claimed they were neglectful for failing to provide traditional lodging. He could have separated this family. He could have traumatized the children by taking them from their parents. He could have created a parental nightmare by taking their children. He could have placed this family under the oppression of the state where they would be forced to submit to all sorts of tests, classes, schedules, etc. that would be emotionally and financially burdensome. But he didn’t!!! This wonderful, compassionate, caring gentleman by the name of Police Officer David Natt chose instead to have sympathy and help the family. He provided a hotel for the family and then worked with a local church to “pay for two nights at a hotel while they searched for a stable home in their new town”

Isn’t this how the police and social workers should serve the public? Isn’t this how a community should operate? Isn’t this how neighbors should work together help and care for each other? Isn’t this how life should be?  -ZZ

When Police Officer David Natt discovered a family sleeping in their car at a public park, he could’ve easily followed the trend of negative stories in the news about…

One comment on “THIS is what it’s about!!! Heroes in our midst!

  1. Ms Lomas
    June 6, 2015

    Has something happened that there hasn’t been anymore postings to this site. I’ll continue to keep your family in my prayers.


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This entry was posted on April 8, 2015 by in Uncategorized.